We gather together as an assembly of born again believers to remember the Lord Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on the cross of Calvary.

Luke chapter 22 verses 19-20-

19 “And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me.

20 Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you.”

The Lord Jesus commands His disciples to remember Him in this way, and we follow the example set for us in the Bible, with prayers, singing hymns and remembering our Lord.

Breaking of bread is for Christians who want to obey the Lord’s commands, however if you would like to come, you are more than welcome to observe what goes on.

Breaking of Bread - 11 am -


Sunday School - 12:30 pm -

Bring your children along for a time of singing, crafts and hearing stories from the Bible.

Bible Class - 12:30 pm -

At the same time the young ones are enjoying Sunday School, older ones are all welcome as we come together informally to read, study and help each other to understand the Bible more, and to learn more about God and what He has done for us.

Come and join us for a time to meet others from the Anfield area and enjoy some lovely food absolutely free of charge! We start with a short gospel message, which is, that despite all of our sin and shortcomings, God has made a way for us to be forgiven, through the sacrifice of His perfect and only Son, followed by a time to chat with each other while you eat.

Family Service - 5 pm - (Last Sunday of the Month) -

On the last Sunday of the month, we have a short creation slot, where one of the Christians here who is also a biology teacher, introduces us to a different species of animal which has a very special design, proving that there must be an intelligent mind behind its creation. Following this is the gospel message from the Bible, and a quiz. Refreshments are also provided afterwards.

Gospel Meeting - 5 pm -

On a regular Sunday we have a time to listen to the greatest message of all, the good news that “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” - 1 Timothy chapter 1 verse 15. Refreshments will also follow this meeting.

Friends and Neighbours tea - 5 pm - 1st Sunday of the Month

Little Gems Toddler Group - 9 am -


Bring your little one along each Friday morning for a time of fun, snacks, Bible stories and to meet other parents and guardians, as well as allowing your toddler to learn by playing with other local children.

Warm Hub - 1 - 3 pm -

It’s a very difficult time for everyone with the soaring energy costs, so we’re providing hot food and drinks, as well as having the hall nice and warm for anyone who would like to come and join us for a chat, away of the cold.

Crete Youth Night - 8pm - (3rd Friday of the month)

Every third Friday the young leaders from Crete Gospel Hall run the youth night, allowing teenagers from the area to come and enjoy a time for organised games and a message from the Bible followed by light supper and free time to play board games, table tennis, pool, table football etc! During the summer months, weather permitting, we normally play games on the field opposite the hall.